Text or Call John for Quote: 617-888-5360 or info@NewJerseyAudioRentals.com

Audio Recorder Rentals

Zoom H4n Portable SDHC Audio Recorder

The Zoom H4n Handy Recorder packs the ability to record up to 4 channels of audio at greater than CD quality in a tiny handheld unit. The H4n features onboard true X/Y stereo microphones to pick up clear, natural sound without phase shifting. The mics can be rotated to select a 90° or 120° recording pattern for terrific versatility. The digitally-controlled preamp, combined with the high-quality microphones, allows you to capture Linear PCM audio at rates up to 24-bit/96kHz. The recorder captures audio to SD or SDHC cards with capacities up to 32GB. A USB 2.0 port allows you to quickly transfer files to a Mac or PC, or use the H4n as a live audio interface.

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For All Inquiries Text or Call John
For All Inquiries Text or Call Jay